Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Episode 154: Quintin Mortensen | Sports cards cost as much as sports cars! Whaaa?
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Episode 153: Corey Zimmerman | Putting the sexy back in home warranty
Friday Dec 01, 2023
Friday Dec 01, 2023
My guest today is the funnyman himself, Corey Zimmerman, co-owner and sales manager of the one and only Elevate Homescriptions. Covering Utah and Arizona for more than 10 years.
For those who might be wondering what that means, well its a home warranty on steroids. He is with me today to talk about what it all means and why it matters to anyone who owns a home. Corey puts the sexy back into boring.
Corey and Elevate's Social Media
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/elevatehomescriptions
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elevatehomescriptions/
#HomeWarranty #UtahHomeWarranty #ElevateHomeWarranty #ProtectYourHome #ElevateHomescriptions #CoreyZimmerman #ParrishPodcast #ParrishTheThought #HomeClaims #UtahRealEstate #UtahRealtor #WhoYouKnow #TooManyFriends #NewConstructionWarranty #AriveHomes #FinePrintSucks
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Institute
Healing NET Foundation
Email - mintjulepmomma@gmail.com
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/celeste.casey/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Mintjulepmomma/
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Ladies and gentlemen and whoever else is listening, welcome back to the program. My guest today is the one and only humble goddess of real estate, Jean Tanner. She is the principle broker at Summit Realty in Orem, and has been honing her craft for more than forty years here in the great state of Utah. By definition she has forgotten more than most of us realtors have learned. Sit back, relax and grab a giant cup for all the wisdom she will be pouring out.
4 Rules of Life
1. Show up
2. Pay attention
3. Always tell the truth
4. Don't be attached to the outcome
Daily 5,4,3,2,1
Call 5 past clients
Call 4 sphere of influence people
Call 3 personal friends
Call 2 agents (she calls her agents)
Do 1 random act of kindness
5 of Jeans Secrets (not anymore)
1. Set big goals
2. Care about your clients
3. Be true to yourself (discipline)
4. Believe in yourself
5. Identify core values, then live them.
#JeanTanner #GOAT #90DayGoals #PersonalDiscipline #Decide #SlayTheDragon #BurnTheBoats #WinWin #400Nuggets #OnePercent #1Percent #AtomicHabits #MoreThanSurvival #Thriving #MakeADecision #MichaelJordan #GiveBack #5SecondRule #90SecondRule #RandomActOfKindness #RAOK
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Welcome back all you great and marvelous listeners. On the program today is my friend Ken Roberts. The REAL Ken Roberts. Ken is currently running for one of the open seats on the Lehi, Utah city council.
He stopped by the international offices of the Parrish The Thought Podcast to share with us why he is also, like last week's Payson city guest, running for the position. Ken has a great personal philosophy of making things better wherever you are. He has raised his children in Lehi and loves giving back to his community on many levels.
Voting is by 8pm November 21st. Details here. https://www.lehi-ut.gov/government/elections/
Ken's Campaign Website
Contact Ken Today - KenForLehiCityCouncil@gmail.com or call/text (801)372-1177
#LehiCity #LehiCityUtah #UtahCountyCities #KenForLehiCity #VoteKenRoberts #KenRobertsForLehi #VoteLocalUtah #BirdLaunchers #RunForCityCouncil #ThosePeople #NIMBY #BeInvolved #GetInvolved #BeTheChange #Heart2Home #FoodAndCareCoalition
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Social Media Contacts
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/laceemae/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/lacee.smith2017
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Brian is on the program today to add some clarity to the many discussions being had by brokers and agents all across the country and how this could change the real estate industry and prepare for it.
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Episode 147: Cary Snowden | The obituary whisperer.
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Welcome back to the show everyone and happy Halloween to those of you into all the dark and spooky things.
Today, in light of the passing of Friends superstar, Matthew Perry and all the recent and and not-so-recent celebrity passings, my guest is Cary Snowden. He has been writing some of the most creative and heartfelt celebrity obituaries I’ve ever seen.
Jump on in for a stroll into the macabre, the funny, the witty and sometimes a little heartbreak as we talk about his connection to the famously departed.
Here is Matthew Perry's Obituary
Contact Cary Today
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/csnowden
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/snowydancer/
#ObituaryWhisperer #LeavingTheBuilding #DepecheMode #Fletch #ElvisHasLeftTheBuilding #SoAndSoDied #Prince #SuzanneSomers #MatthewPerry #MatthewPerryDied #Friends #CarySnowden #SnowyDancer #ObituaryParty #WriteYourOwnObituary #Macabre #ObituaryBoardGames #HasLeftTheBuilding #HistoryOfTheDead #DigitalCemetary #MatthewPerryDies #MatthewPerryDead