Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Welcome back to the program my lovely listeners and soon to be watchers.
In the past I’ve had seasoned and also retired cops on the show sharing their first hand experiences in the line of duty. To balance things out, I wanted a fresh perspective, literally. So I found the youngest guy with the newest set of eyes in the field.
My next guest is officer Bryce Fevold of the Spanish Fork, Utah police department. He has been on the force for just over a year and shares, why, in our political climate a young man would jump into a career in law enforcement. He’s a wise young man, mature beyond his years. So sit back and find out why.
Connect with Bryce via Instagram
#CopsAreHuman #CopsAreNicePeople #SpanishForkCity #SpanishForkPolice #UtahCops #UtahHighwayPatrol #UHP #SFPD #DrugsAreDumb #MentalHealth #MethAddict #ActiveShooter #ActiveShooterPrank #SpanishForkHighSchool #SalemHillsHighSchool #HelpingMyNeighbor #USConstitution #LawEnforcement #DrugsDestroyLives
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Mark Twain said "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”
The story you’re about to hear is one of the reasons this phrase exists.
You may think you know what happened in the tragic shooting of Breonna Taylor back in March of 2020 in Louisville KY, but no one knows the real story better than the lead officer on scene, Sergeant John Mattingly.
Sadly, the truth has been buried by the local and national media, elected officials, hollywood stars and professional athletes and the consequences have been devastating. Until now.
We talk about Johns book, "12 Seconds in The Dark, a Police Officers Firsthand account of Breonna Taylor Raid". He explains the minute by minute events of that fatal night and the subsequent fallout.
We're giving away 3 signed copies of Johns book. The first three people to send an email to parrishpodcast@gmail.com or DM us @parrishthethoughtpodcast
Contact Sgt Mattingly on all social media platforms @sgtmattingly.
#12SecondsInTheDark #BreonnaTaylor #SGTJohnMattingly #March132020 #LouisvilleMetroPoliceDepartment #LMPD #SayHerName #DOJ #BreonnasLaw #NoKnockWarrants #DrugsDestroyFamilies #ScapeGoat #MediaLies #TruthDetector #Truth #MediaNarrative #FakeNews #MichaelStrahan #GMA #GoodMorningAmerica
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Episode 134: Emily Parrish | Do good anyway.
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
My guest on the show today for the fourth time is one of my lovely daughters, Emily Parrish. She has recently returned from an 18-month service and proselyting mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-Day Saints. Emily was serving the people in the Bentonville, Arkansas and Springfield, Missouri areas.
We talk about the why behind her choice to serve God in this capacity and the remarkable life nuggets she learned while away. One of her most profound takeaways is that God cannot lead us if we are not moving. We cannot steer a parked car.
Connect with Emily:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/emilyprsh/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/emily.parrish02
#BentovilleArkansasMission #LDS #MormonMissionary #Mormon #ChurchOfJesusChrist #MotherTeresa #DoGoodAnyway #LoveThyNeighbor
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
In 2015 my next guest, author of the book Living Louder and speaker, Portia Louder, was sentenced to seven years in fedral prison for money laundering and mortage fraud. (read story)
After two years of blaming everyone for her incarceration she finally had the courage to own it all, took full responsibility and became a spiritually free woman while remaining behind bars and serving another three years of that seven year sentence. Sit back and enjoy this roller coaster ride from the pit of despair to a remarkably beautiful and full life of love, honesty and friendship in and out of the system.
Connect with Portia
#LivingLouder #PortiaLouder #FederalPrison #ExtremeOwnership #PersonalResponsibility #Forgiveness #MortgageFraud #Greed #Redemption #Rebirth #FamilyFirst #LDSChurch #Mormon
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Episode 132: Thiefane Magré | Are we still talking about China?
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Our guest today for episode 132 is Thiefane (pronounced TFN) Magré, COO of Prouduct, a Global Sourcing company and a Product Creation Accelerator.
We chat about how things have changed in the wake of Covid and crippling regulations in the business industry in China and how their company has pivoted to keep up with their clients demands. We talk about how the stories most of us hear in the media about China are only the tip of the iceberg and there is so much more to this amazing culture. Best of all is he shares with me his perspectives on life and humanity after visiting dozens of countries around the world and an immigrant himself. Wouldn’t you know it, he has an incredible love of America and we find out why.
He is also host of The Product Guy Podcast which can be heard on all podcast platforms. Instagram
#China #ChineseCommunistParty #AmericaBeaconOfHope #AmericanOpportunity #ChineseManufacturing #AmericasOpportunities #PursuitOfHappiness #ILoveAmerica #GodBlessTheUSA #LandOfTheFree
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Episode 131: Heidi Alldredge | StoryCorps Interview - Two Truths and a Lie.
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
My guest today is, again, Heidi Alldredge, host of Heidi's Lemonaid Stand podcast. However we're doing it a little different.
This interview was officially recorded via StoryCorps in September of 2022 in Salt Lake City. StoryCorps has a mobile studio which travels the country asking for people to come together and just have good old-fashioned conversations about life. We start by playing Two Truths and a Lie to get us started.
#StoryCorps #OneSmallStep #TwoTruthsAndALie #HeidisLemonaidStand #LibraryOfCongress #PorchTalk #TalkToEachOther #FriendsAndColleagues #FriendsTalkingToFriends #ParrishTheThought
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Episode 130: NPR’s StoryCorp Interview | Chiereme ”The Gift” Fortune
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
I apologize up front as part way through the conversation she kept getting cut off so had to do the second half of the interview via cell phone.
Our moderator was Lea Zikmund, whom I have had as a guest on my show since then about a recent book she published.
Chieremie will be coming back on the show in the next month or so with an update on her life and the cool things she has been doing so stay tuned. Please enjoy the show and maybe think about someone who you have disagreed with in the past or currently that may be creating a divide and see how you can bridge that gap by simply being interested in their story and learning from them with no agenda other than love.
#OneSmallStep #StoryCorp #NPR #TalkToEachOther #SeeTheHumanity #BridgeTheDivide #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall #LoveThyNeighbor #LoveYourNeighbor #WhoIsYourNeighbor #DoUntoOthers #GoldenRule #ForCryingOutLoud #LeaZikmund #ChieremeFortune
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Chris joins me today to talk about how a conversation about power tools and construction careers with his grandpa motivated him to want to fix broken bodies. In fact, one of the bodies he fixed was mine after a mountain biking accident.
And the $64,000 question. Why would he leave what some would call the pinnacle of his career with the NFL to practice his craft in the sleepy little Utah town.