Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
My guest today is Ben Schilaty, co-host of the Questions From the Closet podcast and author of the book A Walk In My Shoes, Questions I’m Often Asked as A Latter-day Saint. Ben is with me today because I have, in the last 6 months been doing a ton of homework into the LBGTQ community after my oldest daughter came out as . One of the first stops on my path has been listening to their podcast. He and his co-host Charlie Bird are touching the lives of the straight and communities by openly sharing their own messy and marvelous coming out stories. Parents, friends and family of LGBTQ people, please hear this. Ben's Book - A Walk In My Shoes Ben and Charlie's Podcast - Questions From the Closet Instagram Facebook #GayMormon #MormonsAndGay #ComingOut #QuestionsFromTheCloset #AWalkInMyShoes #BenSchilaty #QueerMormon #LDS #Mormon #2ndCommandment #LoveThyNeighbor #LatterDaySaints #ContentOfCharacter #BYU #Podcast --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/parrishthethought/message
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
My guest today is Heather Thomson, life-long liberal democrat, all-around great human and my cousin. She’s on the show today to talk about her adverse reaction to the SCOTUS ruling on Roe v Wade and why she thinks it’s a horrible idea that makes women second class citizens. In the process, however, we discover that no matter what side of any political topic we may fall, we can still see and appreciate the humanity in each other. #SCOTUS #RoeVWade #SupremeCourtRuling #OverturnRoe #ProLife #ProChoice #LifeIsSacred #SeeTheHumanityInEachOther #OpenMind #TalkToEachOther #OneSmallStep #LoveThineEnemy #MyBodyMyChoice #HandsOfMyUterus #Podcast --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/parrishthethought/message
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
I had the privilege of having 13-year veteran of the Louisville, Kentucky Metro Police Department, Dexter Pitts as a guest on the podcast a few months back. Now the tables have turned and I am a guest on his show called I Am Pitts. We discuss many of the current issues plaguing America and some recent hot button issues such as Roe v. Wade, Juneteenth and how social media is widening the gap and causing more division. We do not just discuss the issues, We try to think of reasonable solutions and alternatives to make America better for everyone. We all can play a small part in changing our world.
#LoveThyNeighbor #TalkAgain #TalkToYourNeighbor #AttitudeOfUnderstanding #SeekToUnderstand #Listen #InTheMiddle #IfYoureNotWithUsYoureAgainstUs #UsVsThem #Othering #NoMoreOthering #OurSide #TheirSide #Sidesing #ThosePeople #Republican #Democrat #Liberal #Conservative #AllGodsChildren #FriendsAndEnemies #FriendsFromEnemies #FirstStep #OneSmallStep #StoryCorps
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #LandOfTheFree #WeAreNotVicitims #ParrishTheThought #IAmPittsPodcast #LMPD #LouisvilleMetroPoliceDepartment
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
When God wants to give you a gift, He wraps it up in a problem. The bigger the gift, the bigger the problem. My next guest is Jedediah Beckstead and he is with us today to talk about how on a random spring day in March of 2015 his life changed forever. While doing a front summersault jump onto a trampoline, a move done hundreds of times before, he fell on his head and suffered a life altering injurie that left him a quadripeligic. As Jed puts it, God sat him down in order to teach him to stand tall. CONTACT JED Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jedediah.beckstead.3 #JedediahsInspiration #ParrishTheThoughtPodcast #ParrishTheThought #ChronicNervePain #Depression #Cutting #SelfMutalation #Quadriplegic #OvercomingDepression #BeingPresent #LemonsToLemonaid #PersonalTriumph #SuicidalAwarenes #SelfHarm #FamilyFirst #GodKnows #GodHasAPlan --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/parrishthethought/message
Monday May 23, 2022
Episode 108: Tony Acosta | Boxing is dumb. Change my mind.
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
My guest today is Tony Acosta, a new friend, fellow realtor, and podcaster here in the Salt Lake area. But the real reason he is on the show today, he’s also an amature boxer.
Most of my life I thought boxing was one of the dumbest sports of all time. Why would someone willingly subject themselves to a concussion and other bodily injuries.
I get it that sports are risky and injuries can happen but this one it’s almost a guaranteed outcome.
Tony sets the record straight and changes my mind and also shares how boxing helps his real estate and podcasting career.
Lace up your gloves and get into the ring. Ding Ding.
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/_tonyv2/
Legends Boxing - https://www.legendsboxing.com/
#TonyAcostaRealEstate #TonyAcosta #LegendsBoxing and #ParrishTheThought #ParrishTheThoughtPodcast #BoxingIsDumb #ChangeMyMind #SelfDiscipline #TFKickboxing #AmateurBoxing #DoWhatYouLove #SportsInjuries #Concussions #UtahPodcastCoalition #UtahRealEstatePodcast
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
My guest today is Dexter Pitts, coming to us today from Louiville, Kentucky. Dexter is currently serving his community as a police officer on the Louisville Metro Police Department, served one year as a US Border Patrol agent in Arizona and prior to that, did a tour of duty in Iraq where he was severely wounded by and IED in 2005. He has also published his first book called “I Am Pitts: Memoirs of an American Patriot”, the story of….well…his story. It’s an incredible read. Hang tight as we talk war, policing, race, religion, politics and mostly about character. The one attribute that really matters. Martin Luther King had it right. CONTACT DEXTER: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iampittsbook/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Author-Dexter-Pitts-102223982275378 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Iampittsbook Buy the book: https://www.amazon.com/Am-Pitts-Memoirs-American-Patriot/dp/0578333902 SPECIAL TREAT: Dexter was featured on James Gandolfini's (of the Sopranos) documentary, Alive Day Memories: Home From Iraq #IAmPittsBook #IAmPitts #DexterPitts #USBorderPatrol #LMPD #LouisvilleMetroPoliceDepartment #IraqWar #ArmyVeteran #PTSD #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #BreonnaTaylor #12SecondsInTheDark #12SecondsInTheDarkBook #MLK #ContentOfCharacter #MartinLutherKingJr #IHaveADream #ParrishTheThought #ParrishTheThoughtPodcast #OnTheSameTeam #Slavery #MichaelBrown #Choices #ChristianCops #Christian #CopsMatter #Author2Author #LMPDAuthors --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/parrishthethought/message
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Welcome back to the program Parrish The Though listeners.
Today, my guest, back on the show for a third time is Kenny Wyland, self proclaimed liberal, atheist, capitalist geek. We tackle the tug-of-war of understanding within social and political issues between liberals and conservatives. We demostrate it is possible to have decent and civil discussions in spite of the ever widening divide in our country.
Lets's do this!
Kenny can be reached via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kennywyland
#LiberalAtheistGeek #ParrishTheThoughtPodcast #ParrishTheThought #JehovahsWitness #Mormon #Mormons #LatterDaySaints #ExJehovahsWitness #Democrats #Rebublicans #Trump #CancelCulture #ConsequenceCulture #KennyWyland #LoveThyNeighbor #TheCaseForGod #AdamAndEve #GardenOfEden #Moses #Genesis #NoOneWantsToWork #DecentWages #Liberals #Conservatives #Atheists
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/parrishthethought/messageSaturday Apr 30, 2022
Saturday Apr 30, 2022
My guest today is host of the ever growing podcast, We The People, Our American Stories, Tina McCafferty. Her show focuses on American heros as she sees them, from members of the military, entreprenuers and immigrants, to the every day Joe.
So apparently, today, she thinks I’m a hero of sorts. We introduce our audiences to each other and discuss the reason for each of our podcasts. We also talk about how we both are doing our part to help this great country remain the shining city on the hill. We laugh, we cry as we more fully understand our why.
#WeThePeopleOurAmericanStories #IAmPitts #ParrishTheThoughtPodcast #ParrishTheThought #TinaMcCafferty #ShiningCityOnAHill #GeorgeWashington #Othering #WeMustTalk #TalkToEachOther #America #AmericanHero #WoundedWarriors #OEW #OperationEnduringWarrior #DexterPitts #FoundingFathers #SacredCountry #GodsChildren #ChildrenOfGod #TheStoryTrek #YouGottaStory
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/parrishthethought/message